Our Story

Inqo was born from a belief that sustainable enterprise is the key to reducing poverty and empowering lives in sub Saharan Africa. Inqo began intentionally investing for social impact in 2001 – six years before the Rockefeller Foundation coined the term ‘Impact Investing’ and the concept started gaining serious traction.

 As one of the earliest pioneers, Inqo set out to prove the theory of investing for impact in South Africa’s Eastern Cape, one of the poorest regions in the country with unemployment rates of over 70% and a high prevalence of HIV Aids at the time.  An economic analysis showed that there were limited employment options available in the area. Historic overgrazing and low rainfall meant large tracts of farmland were too unproductive to farm profitably and a lack of infrastructure left few other options. Ecotourism was identified as the most promising option with the potential to bring foreign exchange into the area.

Our first project was an ambitious one – Kuzuko Game Reserve.

 Over six years, 22 farms were purchased and the land restored to create a 39,000 acre game reserve that is now home to over 40 endemic mammal species including the ‘Big Five’. In 2007, Kuzuko’s Five Star luxury lodge opened its doors to the public for the first time. Kuzuko employs 68 full time staff and 12 part-time staff. Kuzuko now plays a significant role in the local economy helping to create additional employment throughout the supply chain. The Kuzuko Foundation, supported by Kuzuko’s guests, helps support local schools and offers conservation education to local children.

 Having seen for ourselves the transformative impact that intentional social investment can have, we set out to find other investors to join us on our journey with two key goals:

1.     To create meaningful social and environmental change through investing in sustainable businesses that intentionally seek social and environmental returns

2.     To leverage the growing interest in ethical investments by making impact investments accessible to all

In 2015, Inqo Investments Ltd was listed in the London based ISDX stock exchange, now the Aquis Stock Exchange (AQSE), making it one of the first social impact investment companies that members of the general public can easily invest in. Since then, we have built a diverse portfolio of investments that offer our shareholders both a financial return and an intentional social and environmental return. We continue to seek out entrepreneurs and businesses that share our philosophy and vision. 


For a more detailed explanation of the philosophy that Inqo was built on, please read the monograph ‘Social Impact Investing’ written by Dr Kim Tan, Inqo’s founder, and Lord Brian Griffiths


Kuzuko, which means ‘Place of Glory’ in Xhosa, was our first Impact Investment back in 2001 - It’s given us first hand experience of the way Impact Investment can transform lives